Saturday 24 December 2011

If only.

Over the last couple of years, I've had plenty of moments of culinary inspiration here and there, but few things do it for me as consistently as watching Nigella Lawson cook on telivison. Boy, thirty minutes into her show and I am Itching to get up and get making. Of course nine out of ten times I discover I either don't have the necessary ingredients, or the right equipment.

See that's the advantage of being a domestic goddess who also *happens* to be at least five times as well endowed as the average person (and I mean that monetarily, of course.) : You get to have all the exotic chutneys, and whirring-to-efficient-mixing whipping things, and odd shaped speciality implements as you want.
My mom on the other hand often frowns if I ask for another set of Cookie Cutters.

BUT that apart, the lady is fabulous. She makes cooking look like streching out on a beach chair, taking in the sun and surf. No effort at all.

 A piece of inspiration I want to keep. Before you know, the Puritans take over the world and leave us to eat only potatoes. *shudder*

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